Eli had to finish a paper (in Arabic) so Amy and I decided, let's go to Giza. Again? Yes, but this time, going with Amy to the great pyramids would make a difference, I was sure. For the ride out, we decided to ride in the new Yellow Capital Taxi. For the locals, these cabs are supposedly 'more expensive', but to a visitor, you actually get a metered ride in a new car with A/C. AND, it turned out to be half of the price that a tourist would normally pay. The ride was fabulous. And, on a Friday (weekend day in most Islamic cultures), there was hardly any traffic.
We climbed on the sides of pyramids, took some great photos, and ended up doing the 'touristy' thing and rode a camel. The camel's name was Charlie Brown. No kidding. Our guide was such a great guy, it made the time worth it. Oh, several times throught the last week, when asked my name, some of the locals would tease me and say that I was Ramses, due to my goatee that is growing out a touch. So, I figured that when asked my name the first time, to reply as 'Ramses' which gave everyone a good laugh and help to relax the environment. If you go look for Charlie Brown near the great pyramids, tell the man that Texas-Ramses sent you. He'll know who you are talking about. :)
Back to Cairo in the Yellow cab, and we picked up Eli, to go to dinner. I took them out to a steak joint on the river. It was nice and the steak was oh so tender. Afterwards, we did a bit of shopping in Khan El-Khalili market for some kefiyehs, and a t-shirt with Coca-Cola written in Arabic. Quite a bit of the market was closed because it was late, but also on the weekend night, not as busy. We finished our evening with a quick jaunt to a local restaurant, for some beverages, and quick conversation. Then, losing track of time, we rushed back tot he hotel to send me off (in a Yellow Capital Taxi). Taking the Yellow taxi cost me one-third the price that I paid when I arrived.
My flight was delayed by an hour and some change, but fortunately, was only a third full. So, I got a row to myself to sleep on the flight home. Oh, the flight took off at 4 am. I am writing this from the confines of the flat on Na Kozacce, home sweet home.
What a great adventure these last few weeks have been. No regrets. Lots of stories. And, my eyes have just been opened to some of the Egypt that we have read about all these years. I am curious what it will look like in the next 20. Ciao.